vineri, 7 iulie 2023

Tim and Julianne

 Tim and Julianne

July 2023

A story by Anca Băloiu

genre: drama / action / comedy

       Tim Z. is the ambassador of the United States of America in Romania, he is 57 years old, he is divorced, he has no children. Catherine Navo, 29 years old, is his fiancee.

    The daughter of the Minister of Finance, the girl has a charming grace and an extraordinary penchant for banknotes!

        Julianne, together with her husband Bobbie L., have been a team for more than ten years - reporter, respectively news presenter - and they get along wonderfully on and off the filming sets. She is 37 years old, he is 39, and enjoys a flourishing career full of tests and obstacles. Reporter Julianne L. is called to duty for a report directly in the middle of the conflicts in which dissatisfied people from all corners of our country demand their right to a decent life free or worries and problems.

           She is accompanied by a cameraman with experience in field work, George (42 years old). At one point, things have degenerated and he is hit by the wild crowd in the street, in front of the Government. Fortunately, he escapes with some bruises on his knees and hands. The next day, Julianne has an interview with Ambassador Tim Z., in Romania, in Bucharest to discuss the Romanians adopted in the 90's by American families.

            They are looking for their families of origin and do not know if and where they live, exactly. After a week, the ambassador and the reporter, together with George (the cameraman), film a report in Romania, with some of the happy cases, those who meet their parents and maternal grand parents in their native country, Romania, in several villages: Breb (Maramureș), Bodușani (Danube, Borcea arm) and Măgura (Piatra Craiului, Bucegi). There is a confusion on the television: while the headline with the street protests is displayed on the billboard, images from the interview with the ambassador, and from the Romanian villages with the families of the children adopted after the Revolution, are broadcast.

           The one at the evening news lectern - Bobbie L. - apologizes and presents news about road accident and conflagration, in the background the sirens of fire engines and ambulances can be heard! It seems that a colleague from the show-director got hurt, and in front of the television, a car, that of the director of the television, is on fire.

            Rachel (22 years old) and Justin (20 years old), Julianne L.'s sister and brother, come to visit their brother-in-law at work, but they see the disaster mentioned earlier and call their sister to let her know.           

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